In a previous blogpost I made the argument that we as teachers "should encourage the students to use services such as ChatGPT, in their method sections they must explain which question they entered into services such as ChatGPT, how they then processed and developed the material, what analysis they did, etc".
I have now discussed the matter with my supervisor, the head of the law department at Stockholm University. He has approved that I test this approach in my course in International Criminal Law that starts 16th January 2023 (tomorrow). We will evaluate this and the department will consider the results from my course when adopting a department-wide policy on ChatGPT. Below you will find the instructions that I am giving my students. You are free to copy and modify my instructions, please provide a credit to me by linking to this blog post.
From the course guide, International Criminal Law Spring 2023. CHAT GPT and AI tools
During this course we permit you to use CHAT GPT and similar search/AI tools provided that you follow all of the instructions below. We believe this to some extent already is or will become a tool used by practicing lawyers. Ideally it will lead to more time for analysis and discussion by the author/user(s). During this course it is relevant for the a) tutorial memos, b) moot court motions, and c) the individual essay. You will find the service here: What is written below in relation to CHAT GPT is applicable to all AI tools with similar functionality.
You have to follow the instructions below.
1. You have to provide a printout of the question(s) you used and the full text provided by CHAT GPT. This should be copied into a word document and uploaded via Athena.
a. You can either use the question that you have been given by us (the teachers) or the question as modified by you. This includes the possibility to add several subordinate questions in order to answer an overarching question. Our experience is that it is very important which question you use in CHAT GPT, small differences may generate very different quality in the answers provided by CHAT GPT. Thus you need to analyse the answer CHAT GPT provides and adjust the question(s) if necessary, in other words an iterative process.
b. You have to highlight in yellow in this printout what parts you have used in your own document, regardless if the text is used verbatim or modified (tutorial memo, moot court motion or individual essay).
2. You have to provide an explanation on how you have used CHAT GPT.
a. In relation to the tutorial memos this explanation is to be provided at the end of the memo uploaded via Athena. ¼ page is enough.
b. In relation to the moot court motions, this explanation is to be provided in a separate word document uploaded via Athena. The explanation should be ½ - 1 page.
c. In relation to the individual essay, you should provide this in the introductory chapter in the section on method. The explanation should be ½ - 1 page.
d. This explanation should contain the following components:
i. Which question(s) did you use? Was it the same question as provided by the teacher or did you create your own questions? You need to motivate your choice and course of action.
ii. How did you use the answer provided?
- It is allowed to copy-paste parts of the text from CHAT GPT into your text if you find and add sources into footnotes with the same standard as normally used. You should write in the footnote: “text generated by CHAT GPT by use of the question ….”
- It is also allowed to modify parts of the text from CHAT GPT and paste into your text if you find and add sources into footnotes with the same standard as normally used. You should write in the footnote: “text generated by CHAT GPT by use of the question …., subsequently modified”
iii. If you find that the answer from CHAT GPT is of poor quality and you have not used it at all, please state that and explain how you came to the conclusion that it was of such bad quality. This could example be an explanation that based on your research you found that the answer CHAT GPT is wrong and/or inaccurate.
3. Plagiarism and Impact on Grading
a. The use of text from CHAT GPT without mentioning it in your text or the explanation (section 2 above) that you have used this tool is considered to be plagiarism and will immediately result into a formal complaint with Stockholm University.
b. The use of text from CHAT GPT where you mention in your text or the explanation (section 2 above) that you have used this tool but without adding other sources is considered to be bad quality which may lead to a lower grade, including a fail.
c. CHAT GPT may in some cases help you to identify rules, arguments and conclusions in an expedient manner. However, you have to conduct your own research and add your own analysis. The grading will consider to what extent you have done that.