I helgen hade jag en twitterdiskussion med europarlamentarikern Alexander Alvaro (liberal) som förhandlat med kommissionen. Jag återger diskussionen nedan, vänligen beakta att twitterkommunikation är begränsad till 140 tecken åt gången.
25 juniLägg märke till vad Alvaro skriver om EU-TFTP: "there are forces in europe who do want to do so."
Negotiations with span. presd. after LIBE com today achieved breakthru on #SWIFT agreement. EP gained signifikant changes in agr. & council.
@AlexAlvaro Why should a EU-TFTP be established? Is it really something positive? #swift #privacy
27 juni
@Klamberg We seek to establish a european system to extract EU-data on european soil to avoid transfer of bulk data to US in midterm. #SWIFT
@AlexAlvaro Thanks for the answer. However, I hope that you don't plan that EU build a similar database as the US State Treasury. #swift
@Klamberg No, personally I don't seek to establish a european TFTP. Though there are forces in europe who do want to do so.
@AlexAlvaro Very good. Then you have my support. You should seek a system where SWIFT only disclose limited number of transactions #swift
@Klamberg Idea is to establish a system that allows to deliver only(!) requested data to US. Nothing more. Not possible yet but midterm goal
Liberalernas pressmeddelande från i torsdags... / HAX /
SvaraRadera--- Klipp ---
Following last minute negotiations between EU ambassadors (Coreper) and Parliament's negotiators, a revised EU-US Financial Messaging Data Agreement (FMDA) has emerged between Parliament and Council which fixes a definitive timetable for replacing the current US system (reliant on bulk transfer of European data) with a genuine European mechanism which will fully respects data privacy and civil liberties without undermining the fight against terrorism.
Alex Alvaro (FDP, Germany), EP rapporteur and chief negotiator for Parliament on the agreement declared:
"Parliament has stood up for citizens' rights to privacy by insisting that the current transfer of bulk data via Swift will be replaced by a properly controlled European data transfer system."
Guy Verhofstadt, President of the ALDE Group, said:
"This Agreement is certainly an improvement compared to the interim Agreement rejected by a large majority of Parliament in February, led by the ALDE group. However Parliament still had a number of concerns regarding the transfer of bulk data and over the need to review the provisions after a few years."
"At the last minute we have obtained satisfaction on most issues, in particular that the Commission and Council commit to establishing a European version of the TFTP (Terrorist Finance Tracking Program) that will filter the personnel data of EU citizens before agreeing to US data transfer requests. Council has agreed to Parliament's insistence that a review takes place after three years. If after five years a European equivalent data tracking system still does not exist, the EU can annul it. In case of a breach the agreement can be annulled at any time."
Alex Alvaro added:
"After tough negotiations the European Parliament has achieved this break-through on the SWIFT Agreement. The European Parliament has fostered a constructive solution, which meets both security and privacy concerns for EU citizens."
"The agreement also marks a new step in Parliament's powers. Not only is it the first time that a European official will be able to control and correct the operations of American agencies on US territory but sets a new marker for European democratic oversight over international agreements."
The final adoption in Council is due to take place on Monday 28 June, and a plenary vote is expected during the July session in Strasbourg.
Tack Henrik,
SvaraRaderaDet är så jag uppfattat ALDE-gruppens linje.
Jag finner formuleringen "establishing a European version of the TFTP (Terrorist Finance Tracking Program) that will filter the personnel data of EU citizens before agreeing to US data transfer requests" väldigt oroväckande och därav mina frågor till Alvaro. Han drar nog åt rätt håll, men jag är mindre säker om ALDE-gruppen gör det.
Jag delar din skeptecism...
SvaraRaderaVi får i vart fall hoppas att det blir en livlig inre debatt i ALDE. Synd om de skulle falla på målsnöret.