onsdag, februari 27, 2013

Evidence in International Criminal Trials: Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events

Martinus Nijhoff has now published my book Evidence in International Criminal Trials: Confronting Legal Gaps and the Reconstruction of Disputed Events.

You can order it here in an hardback version. It is also published as an e-book which makes it free of cost for you if accessed through an institution that has a Brill subscription, most university libraries have such access.

Here is the abstract:

In Evidence in International Criminal Trials Mark Klamberg compares procedural activities relevant for international criminal tribunals and the International Criminal Court, including evaluation, collection, disclosure, admissibility and presentation of evidence. The author analyses what objectives are recognized in relation to the aforementioned procedural activities and whether it is possible to establish a priority between them. The concept of “robustness” is introduced to discuss the quantity of evidence in addition to concepts that deal with quality. Finally, the exclusion of every reasonable hypothesis of innocence method is examined as one of several analytical steps that may contribute to the systematic evaluation of evidence. The book seeks to provide guidance on how to confront legal as well as factual issues

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