torsdag, mars 01, 2012

EU-länderna blockerar utvärdering av datalagringsdirektivet

datalagringsdirektivet står följande.
Article 10 Statistics
1. Member States shall ensure that the Commission is provided on a yearly basis with statistics on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or a public communications network. Such statistics shall include:
— the cases in which information was provided to the competent authorities in accordance with applicable national law,

— the time elapsed between the date on which the data were retained and the date on which the competent authority requested the transmission of the data
Statistik om hur ofta myndigheter, t.ex. polisen, begär ut data är viktigt. Det är en förutsättning för att EU ska kunna utvärdera dels hur stort intrång som direktivet medför, dels hur effektiv denna lagring är. Förra året (18 april 2011) presenterade EU-kommissionären Cecilia Malmsträm EUs utvärdering av direktivet. Jag skrev då att utvärderingen av de nationella ländernas genomförande "till stor del [är] anekdotisk". Nu har jag fått detta bekräftat och förklarat.
EDRI skriver följande i sitt nyhetsbrev från den 29 februari 2012
One of the most controversial issues under the Commissioner's control is the Data Retention Directive. The Commissioner's services were legally obliged to issue an implementation report by September 2010. As a result, the Commissioner went personally to a Council of Ministers meeting and asked the Member States on 15 July 2010 for the "necessary" information for completion of the evaluation report. Subsequently, having not received adequate information from the Member States, she sent another letter to them on 27 July 2010 to ask again for the data.

Due to the failures of the Member States to respect their obligations under Article 10 of the Directive to provide detailed statistics to the Commission, it could not, in turn, respect its obligation to provide an evaluation report by 15 September 2010. In the end, the Commission was forced to adopt its report over half a year late and with inadequate data. However, even to a neutral observer, it was obvious from the European Commission's report that the Directive suffers from severe shortcomings and needs to be at least reformed, and most probably repealed.
Min ståndpunkt är att om politikerna vill genomdriva lagring av uppgiftern om samtliga medborgares kommunikation så måste de följa sitt eget regelverk, utvärdera om och visa att reformen är effektiv. Annars kommer politikerna inte ha förtjänat medborgarnas förtroende och stöd i denna fråga.

BloggarHAX I Troberg I Linander I Berglund

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