Möte om ACTA
EU-kommissionens generaldirektorat för handel ska hålla ett möte den 22 mars 2010 om ACTA till vilken "stakeholders" (intressenter) är välkomna. Jag klipper från ett meddelande jag fått.
Anmälan görs till följande adress.The purposes of the meeting are:
1) Inform stakeholders about the ACTA goals and the negotiation process so far;
2) Receive comments from stakeholders about their views (expectations or
concerns) regarding ACTA.
Relevant information about the ongoing negotiations, including a report
on the current state of play can be found on the website.
Date/Time: Monday, 22nd March 2010, 10:00 - 12:30
Location: Charlemagne Building, Room Alcide de Gaspieri, Rue de la Loi 170, B-1049 Brussels
Registration: (pre-registration is required for security reasons)
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